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Til vores kommende forestilling CATERING søger vi 10 voksne frivillige statister, 7 mænd og 3 kvinder.
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AUDITION: 10. og 11. februar 2015 kl. 10:00

Prøve- og spillested: Edison (Betty buy essays Nansen Teatret), Edisonvej 10, Frb. C
Prøvetid: Ca. 5 timer om ugen fra 12. februar til 12. marts 2015

Premiere: 12. marts 2015 kl. 20:00
Forpremierer: 10. og 11. marts 2015 kl. 20:00
Spilleperiode: Til og med 1. april 2015, mandag-lørdag kl. 20:00

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Kontakt evt. Clara på 30 70 22 10 hverdage mellem kl. 10 og 12 for nærmere essay topics information.

NB! Ingen teatererfaring kræves for deltagelsecannabis card

There are dispensaries in cooperatives scattered throughout the nation, where patients that were granted a medical marijuana card can come to find medicine, plants to grow at home, and an assortment of different products that are made out of marijuana. After seeing your complete medical history the physician will put in your name and other details in Florida marijuana use registry commonly called The Compassionate Care Registry. After completing the registration procedure, you might have to fill a health history form. Before you may apply for the Registry Identification Card, you must observe a physician to find a recommendation.